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Cut Nic super filters absorb most of the tar and prevent tar from reaching smoker's lungs.
Tar is one of the toxic chemicals related to smoking and with each cigarette, smoker lungs’ aborb this tar causing diseases such as cancer. When a Cut Nic cigarette filter is used, it can capture most of the tar emitted from the cigarette and prevent it from reaching the lungs.
Polypropylene yellow filtering system
filtering system
captures most of the tar which otherwise
sticks to smokers’
lungs causing
cancer and other
Bottom view
4 carefully placed holes on the bottom of yellow filter captures most of the tar without taking the taste or pleasure of smoking away.
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The amount of tar captured by the filter will be immediately visible as the filter will turn yellow; the yellow will grow darker as more tar is captured.
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Tar that is absorbed by the lungs can cause lung cells to die. Damaged lungs can cause excessive coughing and shortness of breath. Tar’s toxic content can also damage the throat, causing soreness. Due to the reduced intake of tar as a result of using Cut Nic cigarette filters,
a reduction of coughing, shortness of breath and relieve sore throat will occur.
If used regularly, the bitter taste caused by smoking in your mouth will disappear.
Due to the reduced intake of tar, the built-up tar on teeth will stop and almost all tar stains on teeth will disappear.
Regular use of Cut Nic filters can also help you reduce or quit smoking.
While offering all these benefits, using Cut Nic filters does not affect the pleasure caused by smoking.
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